Annuity Tools


Annuity Product Grids

For convenience, Annuity products are listed by three different types: Multi-year Guaranteed Annuities, Traditional Fixed Annuities and Equity Indexed Annuities. We provide multiple views, so you can choose the listing that shows just the information you are looking for.

Powerful Annuity Search Engine

Annuity Rate Watch’s advanced search engine is a powerful search tool with over 20 filters so you can effectively match products to your client’s needs.

Insight Illustration System®

Run multiple FIA illustrations (up to 10 products at once) with this powerful Annuity Illustration system. Graph the performance of multiple products for comparison, find the “best performing” accounts, compare performance against the “best” and “worst” periods of the underlying indices. It’s all at your finger tips!

Lifetime Income Benefit Rider Comparison

Now you can compare Lifetime Income Benefit Riders. Many companies are adding these riders to their annuity products. We provide a very detailed spreadsheet. You can select any rider to compare with any other rider. In fact, you can compare many riders, side-by-side.


AnnuityPipe™  gives you the support needed to quickly and effectively research and transact annuity sales more accurately and efficiently. Gain instant access to annuity forms within the industry’s largest forms repository. Easily find detailed product information, including state approvals, qualified and non-qualified deposit amounts, interest rates, surrender charges and bonus rates.

SPIA Quotes

Get quotes and illustrations from American General, American National, and more.  

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